Aphra Behn’s riotous sex farce plays AS220, November 15-24!
July 2024: A century after it debuted the term “robot”, Karel Čapek’s play comes to the stage in a new age of artificial intelligence and questions about what makes us human.
Free play reading of the first ever English translation of this comedy of cross-dressing, June 7 and 13!
Arthur Miller’s “seething, searing and profoundly stirring drama” about the Holocaust ran June—July 2023.
Head Trick Theatre presents the US premiere of MRS DALLOWAY, by Virginia Woolf, adapted by Hal Coase. November 8-17, 2019 at AS220!
July 11-21 at AS220: Jennifer Dick’s adaptation traces the evolution of Shakespeare’s largest female role through the epic battles, political machinations, and personal struggles of the Wars of the Roses. Is Margaret a hero or a villain?
Lillian Hellman’s Watch on the Rhine, performed October 2018, confronted an American family with the struggle between fascists and freedom fighters in their own home.
Sparring lovers Beatrice and Benedick were tricked into falling for each other in Shakespeare’s classic battle of wits, performed summer 2018 at the Roger Williams National Memorial!
Head Trick’s production of Sholem Asch’s controversial GOD OF VENGEANCE ran March 9-18, 2018 at AS220
The Cradle Will Rock, an ensemble-centric production of the legendary agitprop musical, ran October 14-23, 2016 at AS220.
The Revenger’s Tragedy, a blackly funny drama of violence and lust in a corrupt court, ran August 5-21, 2016 in Providence’s Blackstone Field.
“As much an intellectual exercise as a theatrical production, this short (less than 90 minutes) play is a departure for the typical theater-goer and an interesting conversation piece for those who want to consider what it means to act, to direct, to stage a theatrical experience, or to improvise.” —Motif Magazine “A very enjoyable performance […]